I have cited 10 of these people in publications. At least 1 of these is a lie.
Wait, don't click. See below.
1, Bruno Latour2, Herman Melville
3, Myself
4, My Daughter
5, My Brother
6, My Father
7, My Mother-in-Law
8, A former undergraduate advisee of my Brother
9, A former undergraduate RA of my Father-in-Law
10, My first cousin once removed’s spouse (my once removed cousin in law?)
I think the way to play is to try to guess the answer
without clicking on the links (I gave you Latour and Melville). I am guessing that Tania Lombrozo has the
best chance of winning this. My brother is the other strong contender. The
in-law questions might trip him up, but Tania may actually get one of
them. OK enough hints.
After I wrote this post, it occurred to me that a really
good way to boost traffic for a new blog would be to make a post that links
to/name checks other people. Especially people with excellent blogs (I still
think Tania
will actually win). Alison Gopnik has a very good web presence, but doesn’t seem to be much of a blogger: She might get a
few answers. I don’t think Art Markman will
do very well on my quiz, but he has a great book.
Hi Chuck.