Looking for a sponsor
I notice that many of the better bloggers have sponsored ads on their sites. That seems like a good idea. I need some visual punch, and a nice ad would be a good design element. But I want to choose my sponsor carefully. I want something reasonably connected to the blog. Not something random, like penis enlargement pills. Which don’t work, by the way. I know you think they would, because people are selling them everywhere. I must get two or three emails a week offering me a deal. The companies that sell them seem well intentioned, but they should invest more time in training their staff. The emails are always full of really bad typos. Like ‘p3n1s’ for ‘penis’. You’d think that people who work for a penis enlargement company could at least spell ‘penis’. Weird. Anyway, they don’t work. I was thinking about a good sponsor when I remembered a ‘story’ I heard about something that ‘happened’ when someone was reading this blog. Apparently, this has ‘happened’ to a number o...